Suite 5A-1204
123 Somewhere Street
Your City AZ 12345
Invoice Number | TB-11975 |
Order Number | 3695046 |
Invoice Date | April 26, 2023 |
Total Due | $571.51 |
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Sub Total |
1 | 45th Parallel High-Low Collection-Grades 4-8 (32 titles) SKU: HL-PAR-32 | $318.40 | $318.40 |
10 | Ben and Becky on an African Safari SKU: 978-1-60115-364-7 | $5.99 | $59.90 |
10 | If I Had a Snake SKU: 978-1-60115-334-0 | $4.99 | $49.90 |
10 | Soccer! SKU: 978-1-60115-240-4 | $5.99 | $59.90 |
15 | Sparky and Posh SKU: 978-1-60115-369-2 | $5.99 | $89.85 |
10 | Very Strange Animals (We Both Read) SKU: 978-1-60115-373-9 | $5.99 | $59.90 |
1 | Treasure Bay Catalog SKU: CAT-School Catalog _free_gift: yes _rule_id_free_gift: 3288236 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Subtotal: | $637.85 |
Discount: | -$127.57 |
Shipping: | $61.23 |
Tax: | $0.00 |
Payment method: | Invoice Me - School/Library/Govt./NPO only |
Total: | $571.51 |