
Detective Raptor and the Jurassic Rap (Code Reader)

Series: Code Reader


Fiction – Detective Stories

Grade Level: 3 to 6 (Green Series)

80 pages in full color

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By Laurent & Olivier Souillé – Illustrated by Étienne Friess

Code Reader is a unique and innovative series of chapter books designed primarily for struggling readers ages 8 to 12. Each book in the series includes pronunciation keys following difficult words throughout the text, making the books much easier to read than traditional beginning chapter books.

Detective Raptor and his team have a new mission. A famous rapper is an important witness in the trial of the vile Draconian brothers. The Draconians want to kidnap the rapper so he can’t testify, and the Dinosaur Protection Force needs to keep him safe at all costs.

Grades: 3 to 6 (Green Series)

Published by Treasure Bay, Inc.

Price (before discount): $7.99