
Ice Age Creatures (Code Reader)

Series: Code Reader


Nonfiction – Science/Prehistoric Creatures

Grades: 3 to 6 (Green Series)

48 pages in full color

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By Creative Company

Code Reader is a unique and innovative series of chapter books designed primarily for struggling readers ages 8 to 12. Each book in the series includes pronunciation keys following difficult words throughout the text, making the books much easier to read than traditional beginning chapter books.

Thousands of years ago, the world was locked in a freezing Ice Age. Humans lived alongside large and dangerous creatures that do not exist today. Monster birds, giant wolves, and “tigers” with long knife-like fangs hunted for prey across the frozen land. How did humans survive? One way was hunting the wooly mammoths, elephant-like hairy beasts with tusks that were up to 15 feet long!

Grades 3 to 6 (Green Series)

Published by Treasure Bay, Inc.

Price (before discount): $7.99