45th Parallel Press is a leader in high-low books for struggling readers, and we have chosen their best and most popular books to create this superb collection for students reading below grade level. The books cover high-interest nonfiction topics such as Top 10 Animal Stinkers, Debunking Conspiracy Theories, and Weird Science in Movies.
Guided reading levels range from O through R, though the text is easier to read than these levels indicate. These high-low books are all written by curriculum specialists with an eye toward making the text engaging and accessible for struggling readers. The books all use short sentences, short chapters, and carefully controlled vocabulary (with explanations of uncommon words cleverly embedded within the text). The books also use photographs and a modern youth-oriented graphic design to help with appeal and comprehension.
Titles all include a table of contents, an index, a glossary, and questions to think about after reading.

45th Parallel High-Low Collection – 32 Nonfiction Titles
Weird Science in Food
Weird Science in Space
Weird Science in Movies
Weird Science: The Human Body
Weird Science in Medicine
Weird Science of Animals
Weird Science: Plants and Fungi
Wild Engineering
Extreme Cave Diving
Odd Inventions
Weird Nature
Extreme Flyboarding
Adorable Animal Friendships
The Titanic
The Earth Is Flat
The Moon Landing Was Fake
Time Travel Is Real
The Simpsons Predict the Future
Top 10 Animal Biters
Top 10 Animal Oddities
Top 10 Animal Predators
Top 10 Animal Eaters
Top 10 Animal Super Senses
Top 10 Animal Disguises
Top 10 Animal Daredevils
Top 10 Animal Venom
Top 10 Animal Stinkers
Top 10 Animal Cheats
Top 10 Animal Moms
Top 10 Animal Dads
Top 10 Animal Horrors
Top 10 Animal Body Parts
45th Parallel High-Low Collection – GRL O to R for Gr. 4 to 8 | (1 each of 32 titles) | $318.40 | (Set #: HL-PAR-32) |
6-Pack of 45th Parallel High-Low Collection | (6 each of 32 titles) | $1,910.40 | (Set #: HL-PAR-192) |
Book Specifications: Paperback; 32 pages in full color; Size: 7.3” x 9.5” and 6.75” x 9”