
Baseball Fever – La fiebre del beisbol (Spanish/English Bilingual)

Series: We Both Read Bilingual (Spanish/English)



Guided Reading Level: G

Grade Level: 1 – 2

by Sindy McKay

illustrated by Meredith Johnson

These Spanish/English Bilingual Editions feature the same “paired reading” format as the English Editions, but the text is in both English and Spanish on each page. This makes these books perfect for students to read at home with parents who read Spanish but little or no English.

When Jason gets sick, he is told that he has to stay home and get better. But he is supposed to pitch in an important game in a few days! In this light-hearted book Jason must deal with the same frustrations and disappointments that all children experience when they have to stay home with a cold or flu. While Jason is doing his best to get better, he learns that being sick is easiest to face when we have the loving support of our family and friends.

We Both Read Level: 1-2 (Grades 1-2); Guided Reading Level: G

Published by Treasure Bay, Inc.

Price (before discount): $5.99

ISBN or Set #: 978-1-60115-090-5 Categories: ,