Pedro, Sadiq, and Yasmin Collection (1 each of 32 Titles)
Guided Reading Level: J – M
Grade Level: K – 3
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This set includes 32 paperback titles in the Pedro, Sadiq, and Yasmin series.
Pedro, Sadiq, and Yasmin Collection
If you are looking for short and easy-to-read chapter books with ethnic diversity that students really love, the Pedro, Sadiq, and Yasmin series is perfect for students who want to start reading chapter books, but who are still reading at guided reading levels J to M. With these books students can be successful and feel empowered that they are reading a real chapter book!
A broad spectrum of ethnic and cultural diversity is featured in the main characters of these books. Whether their family’s roots are from originally from Somalia, Pakistan, or Latin America, each character faces relatable challenges at school, at home, and in growing up. Whatever the challenge, each character approaches it with humor, individuality, and lots of spunk. These engaging books will entrance your beginning readers, who will want to read the entire collections!
Even many students reading at kindergarten levels will find success with these books, particularly if they read the books with their parents. These books will entrance your young readers, who will want to read the entire series!
Titles in Collection:
Yasmin the Explorer
Yasmin the Superhero
Yasmin the Writer
Yasmin the Friend
Yasmin the Builder
Yasmin the Painter
Yasmin the Soccer Star
Yasmin the Teacher
Yasmin the Chef
Yasmin the Scientist
Yasmin the Singer
Give It a Try, Yasmin!
Sadiq and the Desert Star
Sadiq and the Fun Run
Sadiq and the Pet Problem
Sadiq and the Green Thumbs
Sadiq and the Perfect Play
Sadiq and the Ramadan Gift
Sadiq and the Bridge Builders
Sadiq and the Explorers
Pedro’s Mystery Club
Pedro For President
Pedro Goes Buggy
Pedro’s Big Goal
Pedro and the Shark
Pedro the Ninja
Pedro’s Big Break
On Top of the World
Pedro Goes Wild!
Pedro Goes To Mars
The Best Pet?
Pedro Keeps His Cool
Price (before discount): $233.60