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Invoice Number | TB-10557 |
Order Number | 6848 |
Invoice Date | January 27, 2017 |
Total Due | $204.59 |
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Sub Total |
1 | A Doctor for the Animals | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | About Bugs SKU: 978-1-891327-11-7 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | About Dinosaurs SKU: 978-1-891327-54-4 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | About Space (Third Edition) SKU: 978-1-60115-022-6 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | About the Ocean | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | About the Rain Forest | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | About the Seasons SKU: 978-1-891327-28-5 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Ants | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Bees and Wasps | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Being Safe | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Bugs | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Castles | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Caterillars and Butterflies | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Cats | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Earthquake! SKU: 978-1-60115-218-3 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Endangered Animals SKU: 978-1-891327-72-8 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Giants of the Ocean (Half & Half) | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Habitats of the World SKU: 978-1-60115-294-7 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | How Flowers Grow | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | It's a Cow's Life SKU: 978-1-60115-208-4 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Night Animals | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Pandas | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Penguins | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | People of the Caves SKU: 978-1-60115-206-0 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Rainforests | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Reptiles and Amphibians SKU: 978-1-60115-214-5 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Sharks | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Sharks! SKU: 978-1-60115-262-6 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Soccer! SKU: 978-1-60115-240-4 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Storms and Hurricanes | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Swimming with Dolphins SKU: 978-1-60115-216-9 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Tadpoles and Frogs | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | The Garden Crew SKU: 978-1-60115-346-3 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | The Solar System | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | The Time of the Pharaohs SKU: 978-1-60115-202-2 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Trains | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Under the Sea | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Volcanoes | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Voyage into Space SKU: 978-1-60115-210-7 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Wild Animals of the United States SKU: 978-1-60115-234-3 | $4.99 | $4.99 |
1 | Wolves | $4.99 | $4.99 |
Subtotal: | $204.59 |
Shipping: | Free Shipping |
Tax: | $0.00 |
Payment method: | Invoice Me - School/Library/Govt./NPO only |
Total: | $204.59 |